How can I use Qualitative Software with a Team?

I have a group of people and we want to use Qualitative Software such as NVivo, MAXQDA, Atlas.ti, or Dedoose. What considerations are there?


See also the FAQ: How do I get access to Qualitative Software? 


Official instructions

It is crucial read through the documentation about sharing for the software you decide to use, as well as test the process of combining work before too much is done.

Inter-coder Reliability

To compare coding:

  • NVivo: Merge projects to compare different coders in the same file.
  • MAXQDA: Compare same-named files in different folders.
  • Atlas.ti Desktop: Merge while in intercoder mode to compare different coders in the same files.
  • Dedoose: Create a Training Center test with excerpts and codes as you desire.
  • Atlas.ti Web: Not supported directly; save and open the project in Atlas.ti Desktop
    • Note: Coding of other team members cannot be hidden.


  • See the FAQ How do I get access to Qualitative Software for more information about costs.
  • Atlas.ti licenses (except for student) are multi-user. Thus, more than one person can utilize a single license from their own computer as long as only one person is using it at a time. It is similar to sharing a single computer, but much more convenient.

Server Storage Sharing

  • Unless the entire team is sharing a single computer and will work in the same file, you must consider how the project will be shared among the team members. You can use a portable drive (e.g., usb stick), email, or file sharing (e.g., OneDrive). But, in addition, the major softwares have server storage features to ease sharing that can be purchased separately from the licenses.
    • Atlas.ti: Project Cloud - free while in beta testing, no collaboration tools.
    • MAXQDA: Team Cloud - $200, does not work with student licenses.
    • NVivo: Collaboration Cloud - $500
    • Both Dedoose and Atlas.ti Web are naturally collaborative since the data is stored on their servers. Do make your own backups, though.


  • Software Version: Each software releases a new version about every 2-3 years. Some have project files that can be opened in prior versions, and some do not.
  • Operating Systems: Some software is not the same on different operating systems. Plus, consider training.
    • NVivo has different file types for Mac and Windows computers (the interface is also different). Only the Windows software can convert the project file, and it can take some time if you have a lot of files.
    • Atlas.ti has minor differences between the Windows and Mac versions of their software and have different manuals. But the file is the same.

Team Roles

  • Project Manager: In general, there should be a single project manager who is in charge of the project file/data. The manager will set up the project in the software, then share the file/project with the others. After coding, if manual merging is necessary, team members will give their updated file back to the manager, who will use the software to merge the files back into a single main project file.
  • View or Analysis Only: All software will allow you to export any view, table, or image that you produce in to the appropriate file type for sharing or presenting. But, only some allow others to view the project in the software and do some analyses or new visualizations without a license.
    • Atlas.ti Desktop is the best for this purpose, as the "demo mode" of the software allows viewing a project of any size.
    • MAXQDA offers a free reader software 
  • Last Updated Jun 11, 2024
  • Views 171
  • Answered By Debby Kermer

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